Cheiridopsis aff. imitans

Plant of the Month

Cheiridopsis aff. imitans

Cheiridopsis aff. imitans

The name Cheiridopsis is derived from two Greek words cheiris, meaning sleeve
or sheath and opsis, meaning resembling, a reference to the paper-like sheath
covering the leaves during its resting period.

The plant in the photograph is C. aff. imitans which means the plant has an affinity to, or is
related to the species but is not identical to it. The leaves and the flower closely resemble
C. imitans. The genus is a member of the family Aizoaceae and is a winter grower.  In
habitat it can be found in the Western Cape Province of S Africa, extending into Namibia.

In cultivation, Cheiridopsis require a sunny position in a greenhouse or conservatory, in a
well-drained compost, with little organic material. Water sparingly from August to March
and keep dry during our summer months. It grows to about 5-6cms in height and, if not kept
in check,will spread to around 20cms.  Cheiridopsis aff.  Imitans is likely to flower in February.