
November 2024 – Growing your cactus and suculents in non organic substrate such as Pumice

Growing your cacti and Succulents in non organic substrate such as Pumice. I first started experimenting with pumice in 2017 with two Christmas cacti and the experiment worked well and had two lovely flowering plants for two years before giving them away. However, the majority of my cacti and Succulents were grown in the traditional […]

Raising Cactus and Succulents from Seed

Raising cacti and succulents from seed Propagation of cacti or succulents from seed is a relatively easy and inexpensive way of obtaining plants, many of which may not be readily available through commercial outlets or garden centres. Seed may be obtained from your own plants, swaps with other enthusiasts or from membership with such as […]

Growing Cacti and Succulents My Way

GROWING CACTI and SUCCULENTS MY WAY(In the East of Scotland) To grow cacti and succulent plants, a basic understanding of their native growing conditions is useful. This group of plants grow in arid (dry) areas of the world where regular rain is not guaranteed, so the plants have adapted to store water to preserve life […]